Can CBD Reduce Anxiety and Depression?
It doesn’t come as a surprise that CBD which is also known to be the non-psychoactive compound is found in the plants of cannabis. As per the reports of CBD users, anxiety is considered to be the one from the top three reasons for consuming the products that consist of cannabis, along with pain and depression. Considering that most of the population suffers from the problem of anxiety, CBD comes as a relief for the people. But, before consuming anything, it is essential to talk to your doctor and also do the homework before taking it. How CBD helps with the problem of anxiety? While research is not done much yet, CBD is believed to ease the anxiety that helps the body to produce serotonin, which is a neurotransmitter and hormone that plays an essential role in the regulation of the emotions. This process looks similar to taking serotonin inhibitors, which is a medication taken in the case of depression and anxiety. SSRI focus on the serotonin receptor known as 5-HT1A ...