Cannabis Legalisation: Where is Medicinal Cannabis Legal in the World?
Medicinal cannabis is extracted from the cannabis Sativa plant. Ever since cannabis is found to have medical benefits, it is researched worldwide to explore its potential. Today, it is prescribed to relieve the symptoms of some medical conditions. They are available as a pill, oil, nasal spray, or other cannabis plant extract. Despite the proven medicinal use of cannabis throughout the world, more than a hundred countries still have banned the usage of cannabis. The reason for declaring medicinal cannabis as an illegal product varies from country to country. Common misconceptions about cannabis Regardless of so many advanced researches, several myths and misconceptions persist regarding cannabis. The stories are based particularly on the plant's association with 'weed' or 'marijuana.' When it comes to the recreational use of cannabis, a fatal marijuana dose can result in death. Besides considering it as a gateway drug, it is believed that all medicinal cannabi...